
I don't make the prices, I just pour the drinks

I need to start wearing a big sign on my shirt that reads "I don't make the prices, I just pour the drinks". If it were up to me I would give everyone free drinks and just collect their tips. (If it were up to me I would also never pay taxes, never have to work again, and shop all day long, but I digress) Clearly, the owner is greedy and wants to make a profit off the business he owns (gee, who wouldathunk). I had yet another customer complain about prices tonight. His friends and he approached the bar. One of his friends I know as a regular, who always order patron shots. He knows how much they cost.

Well, patron regular's friend was paying for the shots tonight and of course they asked for patron. As I'm pouring the shots he starts whining about how they aren't in "real" shot glasses. OK. For the entire three years of my employment we have used plastic after nine o'clock. Frankly, I am constantly serving someone. When I get done with one whiny customer, I am off to the next. So if we were to use glassware we would have to not only have someone on staff to solely constantly clean dishes, we would need like a 1,000 shot glasses. Secondly, we use plastic because the whiny customers like to throw things.. and the last thing we need is to have glass breaking all over the bar. And lastly, our glass shot cups pour the exact same amount as our plastic.. I've tested it.

So, I just ignored his comment because I didn't care enough to explain this to him. Then, before I finish pouring, he's like "ughh how much is this going to be". I tell him 19.00 for the three shots. First he gets pissed at his friend and gives him a piece of his mind. Then he hands me his credit card and says "just run it and get away from me". Really? So not only am I acting as your personal ATM, I am now your servant. What a whiny jerk.

I would like to propose an experiment. For one night I am going to keep track of how many people tell me thank you, or ask please. I'm going to bet it will be under 10.


MommyLovesStilettos said...

What a cheap ass. Common sense would tell you that 3 shots of Patron is going to be close to $20 at most bars.

BB said...

Exactly. And we had dollar jager bombs. So if he was really worried about it .. he should have just bought one of those!

Thanks for the comment hope you are enjoying the blog!

The Bitchy Waiter said...

Or maybe he should drink some crap tequila like McCormick or something...

As for getting more followers, I always put a link at the bottom of my posting to let people click it to follow. I also have a facebook page that I promote the hell out of like the greedy attention whore that i am.

JumpIt said...

I've added you to my blog list :)

I've never understood how people feel justified bitching about everything. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. I would prefer plastic over glass!

BB said...

Bitchywaiter- thanks for the ideas! And yes he should have just gotten that!

Jumpit- Thanks, I'll do the same! And I agree about the plastic. The reason we do that is because we have an outside bar, and in order to get the permission to build it we agreed to have no glass outside. So there is some logic behind it as well.

brit said...

What a douche! It's not YOUR bar, why can't people understand! LOVE the blog btw :o)

BB said...

Thanks so much brit!! ps. I wish more of my customers were like you and understood!